‘Start Late, Paint Great’
My father started painting when he was in his 70s. He took oil painting classes and impressed the family with his artwork. He had a garage full of his canvases and shared them with family and friends. Some of his paintings were used on his and mom’s Christmas cards.
Here are a few of my dad’s paintings. He passed away a few years ago but his memories live on thru his paintings. My mom, my siblings, my kids and I all enjoy having some of his paintings.
My own painting voyage began in January of 2020 (just before my 62nd birthday). I was scheduled to have hernia surgery and my wife suggested that I look into taking up painting during my recuperation.
Perhaps you would enjoy painting! Start today! Start at any age!
If you are older, it may be that you have more discretionary time. For sure, you know what you want in life. Painting?
Thus the name, URL and theme of this blog, ‘StartLatePaintGreat.com’.