What do you paint on? Canvases or something else…
Dan Scott of DrawPaintAcademy.com writes useful and thoughtful emails/posts. His latest, ‘Ampersand Gessobord: My Detailed Review and Why I Prefer It Over Canvas’, educated me on the use of Gessobord (and yes, there is no ‘a’ in board – I had to look it up). I have always used canvas for my acrylic and oil paintings. With Christmas money (gifts) I will definitely buy some Gessobord and try it. in the post he gives pros and cons for using it and comparing it to canvases.
It is not recommended for watercolor. It has a similar positive trait to watercolor paper. It is thinner than canvas and is easier to store than canvases. It does not take long to fill up your spaces when you are painting on canvases.
Here is a picture of what the stuff looks like. I notice the 12 x 12 pane;l. That has become a favorite size for me.
(photo: https://drawpaintacademy.com/ampersand-gessobord/ )
You can find Ampersand Gessobord at any art supply store or via Amazon.