‘Easy Pop Art Portrait with Stencil: Unveiling John Beckley’s Secrets in 11 Simple Steps’
This post is very similar to another one posted here. John Beckley, a French abstract artist, John Beckley, shared step-by-step instructions on creating another wonderul pop art painting using a stencil (that he makes available if you are interested in purchasing one). The wonderful style of the painting could be used with other stencils or without a stencil.
Here is a link to his article – https://my-stencils.com/easy-pop-art-portrait-with-stencil-unveiling-john-beckleys-secrets-in-11-simple-steps
Here is a link to the YouTube video on how to do it – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVwl_Kpc3O8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fmy-stencils.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt
Here is a link to all of his YouTube videos – https://youtube.com/@JohnBeckleyArt
John Beckley’s stencils can be purchased at https://my-stencils.com/shop
UPDATE: On his my-stencils.com Website Beckley offers a free book on painting with stencils. To obtain the book you have to provide and confirm your email address.